
Separate Your Content Production from Your Research Time

​One up of the hangups a lot of us have — especially if we care about accuracy or fear being judged — is to 
not post content because we haven’t yet done enough research.
This is a trap, because for any topic, there will always be more research to do. It’s endless.

How then do we create content consistently, while respecting the need to do research?
My main recommendation for you is to be clear about separating your content production time from your research time.

Content production i…

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Free vs. Premium Content

​Which of your content should be free versus paid?

This is an important question which I will address in the second half of this post.

​First, we need to talk about whether content should have a fee attached. For example: online courses.
I used to promote the idea that all content should be free because it would (1) help humanity progress faster, (2) help you attract your ideal audience, and (3) make you more creative by easing the pressure in creating your perfect content.

A few ye…

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The 3 Stages of Content

​A common mistake that I see from aspiring content creators. Maybe you have done this too:

You have an idea that inspires you… so you think that it must also excite other people, too. Understandable!
Therefore you put lots of time (and maybe money) into packaging that idea into a book… or course… or you create an amazing video after a lot of hard work.

You share it with the world.

What usually happens?

Far less response than you hoped for…

You just fell for a core human bias — to…

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Isn’t there already too much content online?

Should you add to the noise?

How can you stand out?

Think about this:
Every year, there are more books published than anyone can consume in several lifetimes… so should people stop writing books because there are “too many” of them?

Should people stop creating and sharing their art because there’s already so much?

Apply that answer to your own content:

Of course you shouldn’t stop creating and sharing.In fact, the solution to “too much content” isn’t to ask everyone to make less

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Why I don’t protect my writings

I don’t worry about anyone — or any company — repurposing my writings and using it in whatever way they want.

​Sounds bold, but it actually gives me peace of mind and inspires more creativity.
Disclaimer: This article is based on my own experience. The recommendations don’t serve as legal advice. It may even be terrible legal advice, so take it with a large grain of salt.

Recently there’s been some uproar in the community around their updated terms of service. Even bef…

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