
Soulpreneurs: Visualize your Process (more than your Goals!)

Millions of people have tried “manifesting” with the Law of Attraction. They imagine themselves holding piles of money… sitting in a fancy house… or driving the perfect car.

Then, after months or years of picturing these dream scenarios, many still find themselves disappointed: Where are those millions of dollars? Where’s that dream job or perfect relationship?

In some cases, outcome-focused visualization even leads to debt, stress over “not manifesting,” and a cycle of self-blame and frustrat…

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The EASE Productivity Framework

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Not everything on your to-do list is meant to be done by you.

As you look at each task, does it fit all 3 criteria?

1. Enjoyment: You enjoy doing it, or wish to.

2. Expertise: You are an expert at it, or wish to become one.

3. Effect: The results of the task are more worthwhile than other tasks you could do.

If it passes all 3 checks, then the task is worth your time and attention!

If it doesn’t pass all 3 checks, then I recommend using the EASE process:





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You are perfect enough. You know enough. You are ready.

You are ready.

You are good enough. You know enough. You are ready.

Posted by George Kao, Authentic Business Coach on Friday, October 4, 2024

Do you ever catch yourself thinking:
  • “I’m not quite ready yet to put my work out there…”
  • “What if I get clients I can’t help?”
  • “Maybe there’s another course that will finally give me the tools I need?”

It’s a common trap — the illusion of “arrival” — the idea that there’s an endpoint to learning, a final destination where you’ll …

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One Hour at a Time: From Soul Frustration to Fulfilled Action

Solopreneurs: if you want to do everything NOW... but your life doesn't allow for it!

"I have a tendency to want to solve everything NOW… and some degree of frustration that my life just doesn’t allow for that!"

Posted by George Kao, Authentic Business Coach on Friday, September 20, 2024

A fellow soulpreneur wrote:

“I’m loving JoyPro! It’s already generated more useful action than I have for months! But I do have a tendency to want to solve everything now, and feel some degree of f…

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Do what you love vs. Love what you do

LOVE what you do, so that one day you’ll get to do what you LOVE...

A reminder for us solopreneurs: You have to do stuff you don't naturally love… until you have enough money to do only what you love. Building a business as a solopreneur involves a huge variety of tasks and projects, most of which you wouldn’t naturally have thought – “This was what I was looking forward to doing, day to day, with an authentic business!” The stronger your passion and vision for what should be your ideal w…

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