
All of my content is uncopyrighted :)

10 years ago, I made the decision to put all my content into the Creative Commons… specifically, the "CC0" license (No...

Posted by George Kao, Authentic Business Coach on Friday, May 17, 2024

I used to be in fear that people would steal my content 😥

I would make sure my content had a clear “copyright” notice.

And when I was surfing social media, I would be vigilant about whether people in my industry were using “my” ideas…

It was tiring. And eventually, I realized that it…

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Recap of My 2023 Best Content, Courses, Lessons Learned

2023 Recap

Here's a recap of my 2023 best content, courses, my personal lessons learned...

Posted by George Kao, Authentic Business Coach on Friday, December 15, 2023

In the above video I recap my 2023 in terms of my best content, my courses, and the lessons I learned along the way…

Here are the links mentioned:

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A Soulful Practice: Moving From Results-Driven towards Authentic Marketing

Results-Driven vs. Authentic Marketing

Since you're drawn to my content, I’m going to guess: You’re in business not primarily for the money nor fame. You'd love your business to be an expression of your calling... an opportunity to serve others’ transformation… what I call an “authentic business.” Of course you’d love your business to pay the bills too, but even if it didn’t, you would still provide your authentic service in some other way, such as a hobby. Yet, when we learn from marketi…

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Deep "fun" while building your business :)

It’s deeply “fun” to build an Authentic Business 🙂

Our society usually defines “fun” as being instantly entertained: watching funny videos, playing games, buying cool stuff, drinking and eating. There’s nothing wrong with material pleasures when it’s in service of self-care. Especially when such activities are in connection with others. The distorted perspective happens when we assume that kind of “fun” is supposed to be infused throughout the activities of building a business, or in the …

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Profound Ease while Building Your Authentic Business…

Profound Ease while Building Your Authentic Business…

Don’t we all wish that building an authentic business can feel “easy”? That just about any action you take in your business results in greater income? I offer a couple of reframes in this video that I hope will support true ease...

Posted by George Kao, Authentic Business Coach on Friday, September 1, 2023

Don’t we all wish that building an authentic business can feel “easy”?

That just about any action you take in your business re…

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