
Content Sabbaticals: An Essential Tool for Resilient Creators

Content Sabbaticals: An Essential Tool for Resilient Creators

I've noticed that many people struggle with maintaining a consistent rhythm in their content creation. They create in sporadic bursts, and find it difficult to regain momentum each time they return to creating. Of course, it’s important to take breaks from creating… but ideally, we would do it in a planned way. This allows us to prepare to really rest. And then, to consciously return to regenerating a momentum of creating. With…

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Don't fear A.I. -- use it to enhance your authentic creativity ✨

It’s been the biggest business story of 2022 (and 2023 thus far) – how AI (artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT and Midjourney) is disrupting education, work, and the arts. 

"This shift marks the most important technological breakthrough since social media." --Time Magazine

ChatGPT is the fastest growing internet service ever... faster than FB, YouTube, Gmail, etc. 

Real estate agents are using AI to create home listings.


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Content Ideas for Coaches & Facilitators

Coaches often tell me: “Because I’m not a consultant or teacher, I can't create content.”

This is certainly an example of a limiting belief ;-) and it prevents many coaches from experiencing a greater potential that they could have as coaches and facilitators. If you had a larger audience (created via content sharing), you have more choice – among your fans – of which clients you’d like to take on. You could raise your rates if you wished. You could also more …

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Let Go of the Need to Make a Good First Impression

Many of us grow up hearing “You only get one chance at making a good first impression.” We are taught this when applying for schools, for jobs, and when finding friends and partners. 

It’s no wonder that so many people are blocked from their authentic creativity. I also believe this is why so many of us are not consistent in creating content, due to this deep philosophical limitation.

Years ago I encountered this quote, which had a li…

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Instantly Impressive vs. Consistently Authentic

There are essentially two foundational ways of showing up in our marketing and content:

  1. Be impressive instantly.
  2. Be consistently authentic.

You can get clients through both methods, but only one method unleashes your full potential.

Let’s start with what most people think marketing is about:
Instant Impressiveness

This is when you work hard to make a great first impression: awesome logo, amazing website, persuasive copywriting, undeniable testimonials, polished videos, perf…

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