
A Surprising Antidote to Content Perfectionism

A Surprising Antidote to Content Perfectionism...

One realization, early on my in my content creation journey, set me up for life: "The vast majority of your content isn't going to make an impact." I know that sounds negative, but the corollary is: "Therefore you are liberated to experiment! And you'll eventually come across the few gems that will make your career..." This idea had a deep impact on me, and has helped me create consistently for 9+ years now. And it's true: Most of my video…

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I am not a reliable judge of my own creations…

🤷🏻‍♂️ The Counterintuitive Truth About Creative Success

As creators, we aren't the best judge of their own work... our time, energy, and emotional investment often cloud our objectivity. Let's continually practice creating with a light touch, detaching from expectations of outcome. Just like the vital rhythms of the body and nature, our business needs our reliable rhythms of creation...

Posted by George Kao, Authentic Business Coach on Friday, February 23, 2024

The more years I’ve s…

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How to be authentic on social media, and sustain your presence there?

How to be authentic on social media, and sustain your presence there?

“Not sure I can sustain a presence on social media, even if it’s good for business… feels exhausting to have to keep up an image of who I am. Or maybe I will run out of things to say… ” --a reader

Posted by George Kao, Authentic Business Coach on Friday, February 2, 2024

“I’m not sure I can sustain a presence on social media, even if it’s good for business… it feels exhausting to have to keep up an image of who I …

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Simple Email Newsletter Strategy (That Supports Consistent Publishing!)

Email newsletters: feature exclusive content, or just link to existing blog posts?

Newsletter writers are working way too hard. It’s not surprising, then, that it’s hard to stay consistent in sending them. When it comes to your content and newsletters, work more lightly...

Posted by George Kao, Authentic Business Coach on Friday, January 26, 2024

 Email newsletters: feature exclusive content, or simply link to existing posts?

The latter.

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For exa…

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Develop an urgency to create consistently...

An urgency to create consistently…

Nothing in my business is as important as being in a consistent rhythm of content creation...

Posted by George Kao, Authentic Business Coach on Friday, January 19, 2024

Nothing in my business is as important as being in a consistent rhythm of content creation.

It is how I get smarter in my field.

It’s how I develop the writings and videos that sometimes get shared, thereby allowing kindred spirits to find me.

More than anything else I do, creati…

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