
Get new clients by using the "barn-raising" strategy

​​“A barn raising is a collective community action in which a barn for one of the members is built collectively by the community.” -- wikipedia entry for barn raising other words, public goal-setting and recruiting your network to help you reach a specific goal. 

Of course, this is frequently done with fundraising, but why not also use it to get your next batch of clients?
I’m not sure, but I may have heard this idea from Tad Hargrave and/or Mark Silver, both of whom I highly r…

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Conversion Rates? Authentic solopreneurs don’t have to worry about it.

There’s so much talk in marketing about increasing "conversion rates” -- which may mean how many webpage visitors buy your product, or how many opt into your email list.

The marketer is making the visitor take action, often through persuasion psychology. Increasing your persuasion and hypnotic marketing is supposed to increase your conversion rates. 

Yet, none of us heart-based entrepreneurs like to focus on these manipulative actions. Thankfully, we don’t need to worry about it, to get…

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Drop the need to “overcome objections” in your marketing.

​One of the common pieces of advice in selling and copywriting is that you need to “overcome the objections” of your prospective client. To ensure that their every concern and “what about….?” are answered so that they have zero doubt that your product/service is right for them.

Let’s take a step back and consider this first: what kind of person would you rather sell to -- someone who has doubts and needs to be persuaded, or someone who is eager to see what you’re offering?
You do have…

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The Tapering Strategy: feeling confident about charging for your services + getting enough clients!

​One of the inner blocks for self-employed people is charging money — or charging 
enough — for a service that they love providing.

One of the outer blocks is, of course, not having enough clients!

​In this post, I’ll share a method that can help resolve both issues…
I call it the “tapering strategy” because you’ll be starting with a price that you’re very comfortable asking for (even if it’s zero) and gradually tapering up the price, and t…

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Should you sell to the client’s “pain points”?

​“From a marketing course I learned how to write my copy by using the 
hook-story-close model. The teacher showed how important it is to write to ‘the pain of my client’ in the hook part, and that I should even exaggerate the pain, make it like my client is in a dangerous situation (e.g. if you don’t act now, you’ll suffer dire consequences). The idea behind this is ‘The bigger the pain, the quicker the client will buy from you.’” — anonymous newsletter subscriber.

Sadly, this kind of mer…

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