Drop the need to “overcome objections” in your marketing.
One of the common pieces of advice in selling and copywriting is that you need to “overcome the objections” of your prospective client. To ensure that their every concern and “what about….?” are answered so that they have zero doubt that your product/service is right for them.
Let’s take a step back and consider this first: what kind of person would you rather sell to -- someone who has doubts and needs to be persuaded, or someone who is eager to see what you’re offering?
You do have…
The Tapering Strategy: feeling confident about charging for your services + getting enough clients!
One of the inner blocks for self-employed people is charging money — or charging enough — for a service that they love providing.
One of the outer blocks is, of course, not having enough clients!
In this post, I’ll share a method that can help resolve both issues…
I call it the “tapering strategy” because you’ll be starting with a price that you’re very comfortable asking for (even if it’s zero) and gradually tapering up the price, and t…
Should you sell to the client’s “pain points”?
“From a marketing course I learned how to write my copy by using the hook-story-close model. The teacher showed how important it is to write to ‘the pain of my client’ in the hook part, and that I should even exaggerate the pain, make it like my client is in a dangerous situation (e.g. if you don’t act now, you’ll suffer dire consequences). The idea behind this is ‘The bigger the pain, the quicker the client will buy from you.’” — anonymous newsletter subscriber.
Sadly, this kind of mer…
"Why isn't my audience buying?"
I used to believe in the conventional marketing idea that if the audience isn’t buying, it’s because they haven’t seen your offer enough times.
The rule of 7 is that a prospective buyer needs to see your marketing message at least 7 times before they truly decide whether to buy.
From my decade of marketing experience — especially the past 5 years of consistent rhythm of offers — I haven’t found this idea to be true...
Most buyers see my offer 1–3 times before signing up, if they s…
What to do if your content isn't turning into income...
If you’ve been consistent with publishing content, yet your audience isn’t buying from you, this post is for you…
A reader wrote to me:
“George, I share your philosophy on the creation of valuable free content. I’ve been blogging daily, as well as creating videos. I would do this work regardless, and want to develop trust with my audience. However, sales have been slow. In your experience, what is the tipping point when your free content begins to translate into revenue?”
First of…