
FOMO Marketing vs. Kindness Toward Your Audience

"There are only TWO spots left in the program. Sign up now!"

…is the sort of marketing message we might receive from a conventional marketer.

It seems to me that they haven’t taken the care to consider how the audience feels. They're doing it because it "works" to get those few openings filled.

When they offer only 2 spots left, and yet the campaign is being sent to thousands of people, what are the rest o…

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“All the successful people do it this way.”

Recently I’ve spoken to several who have spent around $50,000 USD on business/marketing coaching or trainings… and often because they didn't realize those marketers are selling to their trauma.

Sadly, much of the persuasion psychology being used (and taught) in marketing – the stoking of fear, uncertainty, doubt (FUD) – “works” on people with traumatic backgrounds… 

I’m not an expert in trauma and its healing, but some of you are. I welcome your comments below – if you want to share your ins…

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Sell Only to the Eager 10%

​We become inauthentic when we try to persuade people.

When you’re in the energy of trying to “get” someone to believe you and to buy your thing, it becomes too easy to say whatever you think the other person wants to hear. You lose your grounding and integrity.

Instead, what if you sell only to people who will quickly understand the value of what you’re selling?

When speaking to potential clients, only describe your services, in detail, to the interested.

When creating an email or webpage to d…

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The trouble with cold outreach

​Too much of online prospecting/sales is about reaching out to strangers or acquaintances who have not signaled their interest in your work.

"But based on their profile they might be interested, so I should reach out to them."  

Most of the time, this feels to the recipient like spam.

Most spam is obvious to me before I even open it. The less obvious ones (where I need to open the email and read to realize it’s spam) are written by a copywriter or other marketing expert.

They try to get my atte…

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Go Where You're Respected.

​Years ago, I received a simple piece of career advice:

“Go where you’re respected.” 
— eco-entrepreneur Paul Hawken

These 4 words have guided my career
It applies to marketing too — aim to sell only to prospective clients who are already eager to work with you. By doing so, there will be no feeling of “selling.” There’s only connecting from the heart, helping them genuinely, and answering their questions.

Imagine never having to overcome objections… do multiple follow-ups… use compelling i…

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