
Do what you love, and the money will follow?

I encounter a lot of solopreneurs, individuals who wish to build a business doing what they love.  Consistently, there's a lack of understanding about how to grow a viable business, one that can financially support the business owner.

Here is a common idea:

"If I have a passion for something, then there must be enough other people who have the same passion, that I can build a business with this."

This is true... but building a business on passion alone?  It takes a lot longer than one…

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Venn Diagram: Your Authentic Business

​Which circle do you need to focus on at this time?

Take a look at the diagram above.

​The more years you have -- before you must earn a living from your business -- the more you are welcome to explore the red circle on the left.  You have more time to explore your passions.

However, the more quickly you need to create a livelihood from your business, the more urgently you need to explore the green circle on the right.  You have a greater imperative to understand your market.

Your most…

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