Strict about showing up, lenient about the results
A client asked:
“George, how do you stay with such a regimented schedule… yet remain calm and joyful as you work?”
Every workday, I stick to a schedule, getting a lot done in an easeful manner, without undue strain. And yet, even with a full day of appointments and projects — whenever I meet with clients, they don’t feel like I’m in a hurry. I can still be my creative self with them.
It’s taken a lot of practice. Here’s the key:
There is no failure, only redirection.
Next time you earnestly pursue a project, yet still “fail” to get the hoped-for results, remember this: There is no failure, only redirection.
Even the lack of feedback is feedback. You’re getting the instruction from Life to try something else.
You are being redirected to another idea, another method, another experiment.
A higher purpose than “getting results” is your own learning, your inner growth in patience, lightheartedness, and courage.
Someone who “failed” many times was Tho…
Define your daily success: Focus on the next doable goal
The most common financial goal for solopreneurs? To make “6 figures”.
(And if they achieve that, they now have to make “7 figures” because you can never make enough, right?)
How do you relate to goals?
Do you set ones that are effective — and mentally healthy — for you?
While there is some science that having “big hairy audacious goals” can inspire and motivate organizations of people, I wonder if it actually helps you, the self-employed person, to take consistent action. Do th…
While there is some science that having “big hairy audacious goals” can inspire and motivate organizations of people, I wonder if it actually helps you, the self-employed person, to take consistent action. Do th…
Green Yellow Red -- Which State of Being are You in?
One of the secrets to a joyfully productive life:
Learn to become sensitive — often — to your state of being, throughout the day.
And if you catch yourself in a less-than-optimal state, do your energy reboot practice, right away, to re-enter a good state.
A simple way to gauge your state of being is to ask:
“Right now, am I in green, yellow, or red?”
Green = feeling deeply peaceful or happy. When I'm working, Green means being in flow, confident, skillful, curious. When I'm resti…
True Productivity for Self-Employed Professionals
What are the most productive actions in your business?
Checking off more items on your to-do list? Working longer hours? Getting another certification? Trying to make your website better?
Many such actions feel productive but don’t actually build your business. Besides having a "to do" list, you may want to define a TO-DROP list as well.
Otherwise you might be doing busy work that feels like movement, but isn't really helping you grow your client base or make more impact.
Here is …
Here is …