The Rare Gift of Constructive Feedback — for Improving a Business
If there’s a service provider that you respect, and you’d like to give them a gift (without having to spend money) consider doing the following:
Gently and kindly let them know why you are not signing up for their program, service, or product. You read that right. Give them the incredibly helpful gift of feedback.
This kind of message can really improve their marketing, and help them make decisions about what product or service they provide.
Let’s talk about this valuable exercise, fr…
Let’s Support Small Creators!
The 1% own more than 40% of the world’s wealth.
The accumulation of assets in the hands of the few erodes democracy, as societal power becomes concentrated in the hands of a few.
Knowing this, anything we can do to support small businesses will not just help those entrepreneurs survive, but will support more democracy, creativity, and true livelihood in the world.
Similarly, the 1% most famous people own a huge share of the consumer’s attention.
Influencers like Gary Vaynurchuk, Marie…
How *not* to reconnect with your network (and what we can do instead)
(originally written in 2018, updated for 2020.)
One of the best ways to gain new clients and opportunities is to reconnect with your network: your colleagues, past clients, those friends you’ve been out of touch with, or people who have inquired about your services.
Your friends and family probably don’t remember what your business is really about. Even if they understand what you do and who your ideal clients are, they don’t think about it …
One of the best ways to gain new clients and opportunities is to reconnect with your network: your colleagues, past clients, those friends you’ve been out of touch with, or people who have inquired about your services.
Your friends and family probably don’t remember what your business is really about. Even if they understand what you do and who your ideal clients are, they don’t think about it …
Every business (including yours) can benefit from more collaboration
There are 3 types of businesses that need to do more collaborations:
Which of the above are you? I will soon be teaching a course on …
- Those with no audience need to collaborate with other new businesses to clarify message, products, and their position in the market.
- Those with a small audience need to collaborate to further grow their audience or create new products.
- Those with a big audience need to collaborate to increase their sales.
Which of the above are you? I will soon be teaching a course on …
Inviting a Speaker to a Telesummit? An Example of a Bad (but Typical) Invitation…
If you study “how to build an email list” you’ll almost certainly come across the strategy of hosting a telesummit. It is one of the fastest ways to build an email list.
But it's often a terrible way to do it, because you’ll end up with an unresponsive list of subscribers, after spending incredible amounts of effort and time in creating the telesummit.
The following is an actual email I received yesterday (and you will, too, once you start getting some exposure).
This is the kind of message t…
But it's often a terrible way to do it, because you’ll end up with an unresponsive list of subscribers, after spending incredible amounts of effort and time in creating the telesummit.
The following is an actual email I received yesterday (and you will, too, once you start getting some exposure).
This is the kind of message t…