
Can you be creative on schedule?

Background image by ghostpresenter from
(Originally written Dec 2017, updated Sept 2019.)

Imagine if you had the ability to tap into your creativity anytime, on demand, and joyfully so!

You would accomplish so much more in your business and life. You could more effectively fulfill your creative mission and calling.

I wish this ability for you. It is a skill that you can develop.

For example, as I'm typing this to you, I'm on a deadline, one that I set for myself.
 If …

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Capture, Categorize, Calendar.

Background image by piro4ad from
(Originally written in 2016, updated in August 2019.)

A reader asked: 

"How to stay on top of my big volume of tasks and not feel overwhelmed?"

Think of tasks and information just like physical clutter: how do you solve that problem? Everything important goes into the right place. (What’s not important should be given away, recycled, or eliminated.) Then create a system for reminding you where the important stuff is.

​Similarly, here is h…

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Frequent Creative Rest

Did you know that your brain is almost as active when you’re asleep as when you’re awake?

It’s also true when you’re “only” relaxing. Your brain is just as active. When you're not "focused" your brain is in what’s called diffuse mode. It’s still thinking for you, solving the problem you were focused on before, except in the background of consciousness.

If you’re only in “focused” mode all the time, you’re not effectively tapping the hugely creative power of your subconscious mind.

This is why…

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Alternative to LoA -- The Law of Attainment (instead of Attraction)

I like to rib the Law of Attraction because so many of us have tried it and it hasn’t worked (even though we secretly hope that maybe it will work eventually). 

I actually do believe that LoA works, but not for financial success, because there’s usually too much fantasy and wishful thinking, and nowhere near enough action. In my experience, it can work for attracting a good relationship, especially when used for inner characteristics (I want a partner with a particular kind of energy).

For bus…

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Instead of Limiting Beliefs, look at your Limiting Structures.

We empower whatever we fight against… especially if the enemy is intangible, such as “limiting beliefs”, which can multiply based on our rich imagination, and our continued attention on “clearing” them. 

I’ve written about this before: Don’t worry about your limiting beliefs.

So, although I don’t believe in limiting beliefs, I do see the evidence of limiting structures, i.e. the systems and processes of someone’s life and behaviors.

You are in charge of the structures of your life. (Unl…

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