
Spiritual teachers: your marketing makes a greater impact than your “real” work...

​Many spiritual teachers fall prey to the idea of "means to an end"... let the marketers do whatever they do to get us an audience, 
so that we can do our "real" work with the clients...

Those teachers don’t understand that their marketing itself is impacting many more people, compared to the smaller numbers who sign up to work with them. Their public presence (messaging and branding) is influencing many more minds and hearts than they realize.

In other words, your marketing itself is a …

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Drop the need to “overcome objections” in your marketing.

​One of the common pieces of advice in selling and copywriting is that you need to “overcome the objections” of your prospective client. To ensure that their every concern and “what about….?” are answered so that they have zero doubt that your product/service is right for them.

Let’s take a step back and consider this first: what kind of person would you rather sell to -- someone who has doubts and needs to be persuaded, or someone who is eager to see what you’re offering?
You do have…

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Why I don't promise results -- yet have plenty of clients

​She was surprised:

"How do you get clients without promising results?"

Other business coaches had promised her piles of cash. When their methods didn't deliver the kind of business results they sold, she blamed herself... "It's not the coach... It's my own fault."

I used to promise results, too. Isn’t that the only way to get clients? 
After years of marketing experience, I’ve learned that sustainable trust is based on honesty and caring, not hype.

What I now promise to my clients…

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Will Creating Free Content Get You More Clients?

​“Just unsubscribed from a group which I had been a member for only 3 months. She was sharing free content, along with a few live videos. Eventually, she posted that 
people are taking advantage, not hiring her as a coach after consuming her content. Literally she said ‘If you don’t want to move forward, just leave.’ So I left, because I sensed anger and lack.” — a comment posted on my FB page.

First of all, I have to say that I can relate to both sides: the client, and the coach.

​I’ve …

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The Core of Authentic Marketing

​Since you’re reading this article, I’m guessing that you are in business primarily 
to express your soul and to serve others’ positive transformation.

Yes, you want a sustainable income, to allow you to keep doing the work you love… but your business is mainly from a deep place of calling.
Yet, most business/marketing experts assume that we’re doing this for the money. They try to get our attention with images of cash, cars, vacations…

“Get more traffic and profits!” “Build a 6-figu…

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